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Vermeire :
Specialist in drive systems Createur de solutions motion


Elastic and semi-elastic couplings Rigid and specific couplings
Elastic and semi-elastic couplings Rigid and specific couplings

Vermeire is your preferred partner for all types of couplings: elastic, semi-elastic and rigid and specific couplings. We offer a large choice of coupling systems including both standard and made to measure solutions.

Elastic and tyre couplings

Elastic couplings will certainly be very useful for efficiently linking the driving part of your transmissions with the receiving part. Elastic couplings allow torque irregularities to be damped but also misalignments and offsets between shafts to be accepted. They are very interesting therefore for constructions with wider tolerances. Brands of elastic couplings offered by Vermeire : CMD, Comintec, Compomac, R+L Hydraulics, Rexnord, Siemens, Veflex & Vetex.

Amongst elastic coupling we have in particular, tyre couplings which allow you to take up angular, radial or axial defects thanks to the flexibility of the tyre. This type of coupling is useful for many applications as it is able to absorb extreme movements with low return forces. Brands of tyre couplings offered by Vermeire : REXNORD and Veflex.

For more information on elastic, semi-elastic, spring and tyre couplings at Vermeire

Rigid couplings

Rigid couplings, provide a rigid link between shafts. They transmit torques without twisting and without play. Consequently, there must be no alignment faults. Brands of rigid couplings offered by Vermeire : R+W Coupling Technology, Comintec and Serax Transmissions.

For more information on rigid couplings at Vermeire